Forrester RPA+AI最新趋势报告 | 首席分析师Craig解读后疫情时代,RPA如何打造以人为本的企业



7月11日,Forrester副总裁、首席分析师Craig Le Clair受邀出席2020世界人工智能大会云端峰会RPA+AI分论坛,分享RPA在全球的发展现状。







3 Key Trends in Intelligent Automation to move forward postpandemics




Human & Machine Cooperation



As machines become moreintelligent, they replace more and more manual processes, this is generallyreferred to as the human in the loop issue. Benefit from AI technology, peoplemove towards the less deterministic type of processes, where we use machinelearning and other related AI technologies to make decisions in the process.This really alters a lot of things around the process that humans used to do.


随着机器智能水平的不断提高,它们取代了越来越多的人工流程,这通常被称为人机协作-“Human-Machine Cooperation”。得益于人工智能技术,人们逐渐向规则更复杂、确定性更低的流程自动化领域迈进。在这个过程中,我们使用机器学习等人工智能技术来进行数据处理、辅助决策。这极大改变了人类很多传统的工作场景。


Intelligent Document Extraction



It's using machinelearning, which is a subset of AI, to go into documents, forms, emails, what'sgenerally referred to as unstructured information. Based on that, you have aclean set of data that's high quality, then you can apply analytics. For example,you can look at errors that might have occurred in someone filling out of form,you can check transactions that may not be correct based on analyzing the data,and you can dig customer sentiment in the text.




Although the core ofthis area is still natural language processing, what’s interesting now is usingmachine learning to train a model to understand the meaning behind the text.There are also a lot of advancements in computer vision and spatialunderstanding. So you can understand the forms and images that are on adocument to be able to get a better context. So it's much more of aninsights-driven value now where in the past it's been more about just takingcost out of the process.




Automation Strike Teams



It is very important fora company to take a broader view of intelligent automation. There are a numberof reasons for this.


One is that some ofthese automation introduces some new issues that need to be considered from agovernance standpoint. Second, robots are using human credentials and areoperating on very trusted and secure application areas. So you need to haveguard rails or control around the use of those credentials. Also, Intelligentautomation has involved a number of software technologies. You need teamsinternally to explain the use of the different automation technologies to thebusiness than to apply it in the right way.








The Pandemic Will Create A Surge In Digital Transformation




Despite trends inmobility, in social media, and the digital disruption of companies like theUbers of the world and the great Chinese companies that have come into thesharing market, the progress on digital transformation has been quite slow.Unfortunately, modernization is hard. Digital transformation is hard.




When we came to thispandemic point in January, February, March. Suddenly, we had to transformdigitally really fast. Everyone had to work from home. We had to conduct remotebusiness in new ways. Then we encountered some issues with our supply chainsand so forth. So under tremendous pressure, we had to innovate. The best out ofthe worst, with a surge in digital transformation, we've developed more digitalmuscles in the past two months than we've had in the last five years.





That's what that spikeyou see in this graph. Now the challenge for companies is to take thistransformation that's occurred under stress and to see what should remain as wemove back to a more normal work environment. This will affect theinstitutionalize progress and transformation that we made in the past fewmonths. 






Changes in the Intelligent Automation Roadmap




Forester proposed apost-pandemic roadmap that gives you a way to prioritize your intelligentautomation projects. This is what we're seeing our clients do, who are thecompanies and governments that we interact with consistently. If you wereworking on a large AI project, transformational project, you might push thataside. That might drop into the losing momentum zone. Because this recessionthat we're going in is going to be, by most estimates, long and painful.




It's going to focus likeall previous recessions on cost reduction and cost take out. So in theacceleration zone to the upper right, RPA task automation becomes veryimportant because it has a very visible ROIfor cost reduction.  What we havementioned above, text analytics, which allows you to extract a lot of hoursshuffling paper and dealing with forms and finding errors, sentiment, fraud,and other issues. Also, remote work is a practical technology that's availabletoday.






No one was prepared forwhat we call a systemic shock, as the pandemic. The next systemic shock mightbe climate change. So there's a greater awareness of companies in the sort ofgovernance spectrum to be prepared for these kinds of systemic risks that mayoccur. So resiliency has become a top priority item for automation. And thismight mean diversity in your supply chain so that you can quickly get new bidsout. You have the ability to have a more agile approach to sourcing variousgoods and services.






The Impact of IntelligentAutomation on Different Workers




The degree of influenceof intelligent automation on different types of work is different. For example,cubicle workers are employees that may work in a contact center taking phonecalls or work in a back office doing finance and accounting. They are put inthe same category because the skills they have are very similar. So the effectof automation on their work will be similar.




On the other hand, forthe knowledge workers who might be a legal strategist. They are makingconnections across a wide range of complex information and data. So automationmay not be used in this field for a long time. But we also saw some innovativescenes, such as digital assistance will help in the cognitive search in thehealth industry.




RPA + AI most Affected Knowledge andAdministrative Workers



Currently, the hottestapplication area which makes the real effect is in the operating field.Intelligent automation is very suitable for the function-specific knowledgeworkers, coordinators, administrative workers. This is the target area whereyou can do a lot of work with machines. A lot of automation technology, AItechnology is changing the traditional process in this area.






Five Levels of Human & Machine Cooperation




There are differentlevels of human in the loop related to intelligent automation. Level five iswhere you're using the most advanced AI and the machine, such as a self-drivingcar. To the contrary, level zero is where human is doing everything.




In the middle of them, we have automationtechnology developed to different stages. Level one is the area of workflow,where you're using software to design a process, generally moving from task totask, which is a deterministic pattern.




Level 2 Human Drives Machine Actions



Level two is what a lot of RPA is doing rightnow, where we have built some digital workers or digital assistance. And thehuman has some level of interaction with the robot. The human in a contactcenter can tell the robot to update all these addresses. So there's a level ofvery positive automation and productivity there.





Level 3 Human Completes Task with the Help ofMachine



Level 3 is where aseries of AI technologies are combined with RPA to give people stronger dataprocessing capabilities. These AI components, such as NLP usually use machinelearning to provide a more flexible extraction of data. In the old days, youhad to know exactly based on a template where a particular field was and takethe data out perfectly. But now you can really understand the content in thedocument, in general with machine learning, where the data is, what it lookslike, and use the training of the data to be more and more precise on yourextraction.




We can foresee whatlevels four and five do where the AI is making all the decisions. So you mayhave explained ability issues, transparency issues. No one knows how thedecision was made. You need a perfect algorithm. So that the car doesn't driveinto a stone wall. You need perfect data. So you're not doing a biasedassessment. Those issues in level four and five become less of a concern inlevels three and level two.






Hurdle to Scale for Enterprise-Level RPA




Now, a lot of companies have made biginvestments in intelligent automation and enterprise-level RPA is alsogradually moving towards scale. But basically, about half of the companies haveless than 10 robots in production. That is not what we consider scale. You mayask why companies are struggling with this. There are a couple of reasons.




One is that some of theearly robotic processes and automation solutions, these robots were a littletoo hard to maintain and were not supervised. Also, organizations arestruggling to find enough processes to automate. At first, it was easy to findprocesses that could be automated. But continuously discovering automationrequirements is not easy. So being able to discover processes has been anissue.




So we suggestorganizations build automation strike teams, also understood as the center ofexcellence. The team consists of technical and business personnel. Thisintelligent automation experts have knowledge about automation technology andAI technology. The business personnel understands the business situation,digital requirements, and the human workforce. And they will work together todesign and build and maintain the digital workforce. So there's what we callfederated approach, where a lot of the design and development of the robots isactually in the business. And not in traditional technology management,centralized deep expertise, application development teams.










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